🚚 Shipping Updates
Free shipping worldwide over $99
International Shipping Policy
Customs, Duties and Taxes
Return value:
14-day returns
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchased items, you can exchange or return them for a full refund within 14 days. (from the date you received the package)
Submit a return request
To submit a return request, email our customer service at After receiving our confirmation, we will send the information necessary to ship the package back to us. Please prepare your package with an order number, tracking number & contact info and send it to the correct address, so your refund will be processed correctly and quickly.
Process your refunds
When your return package has been delivered to our return address, we will check if the package meets our return conditions, if it does, a refund will be transferred to the payment method you used for your original order as soon as possible. Please check your payment account, the refunds will be transferred within 7-15 business days.
- The items must be unworn, unwashed, undamaged, unaltered, and in the original packaging with the original product label tags.
- Swimwear, underwear, and custom items are non-refundable.
- We do not accept items that are sent back without submitting a return request.
- The original shipping fee of your order is non-refundable.
- For the return, please use your own shipping method and at your own cost.
- We offer a full refund if the order is canceled without shipping.
- You should submit an order cancellation request here or send an order cancellation request to our customer service team via
- After receiving your order cancellation request, we will cancel the order and process a refund to your payment method quickly.